India has lifted restrictions on WhatsApp’s payment service, marking a major win for Meta as it strives to establish itself in…
The U.S. Treasury Department disclosed to lawmakers that it suffered a significant cyberattack earlier in December, which has been attributed to…
Encode, a nonprofit organization that previously backed California’s SB 1047 AI safety legislation, has requested court approval to file an amicus…
Cybersecurity startup Cyberhaven has reported a significant breach involving its Chrome browser extension, which was exploited by hackers to steal user…
To understand the new smart watched and other pro…
In Spotlight
To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should…
To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and…
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Accurate weather forecasts are essential for industries like agriculture and crucial for mitigating the impact…
The U.S.-made consumer-grade spyware app pcTattletale has been hacked, with its internal data published on…
U.S. pharmaceutical giant Cencora is notifying affected individuals that their personal and sensitive medical information…
A data protection taskforce has spent over a year analyzing how the European Union’s data…
The Alphabet X spinout Iyo is gearing up to launch its Iyo One earbuds this…
Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) is investigating recent breaches involving Dell customers’ personal information. Graham…
To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should…
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